finding the Right Words? - What to Say to a Girl to Make Her Love You

Every girl wants a sweet guy and would love to hear sweet nothings once in a while. Hey, guys like it too and nothing could correlate more to the feeling of hearing your girl tell you how much you make them happy. Of course, girls are more likely to be the romantic champs on this side of the world but this should not stop you from bringing out your passionate side as well. Read on and take the following tips on what to say to a girl to make her love you.

o You have the most remarkable eyes. Say this out of the blue, or while you're having a whole different topic. The thing is to keep her off guard, so as not to sound creepy. Your girl will by all means; of course blush on this one.

Lyrics To Home

o I think I'm falling in love with you. This ones the most risky line. We know girls are involved beings and whether of the two things would happen: she will get totally paranoid and speed off or, will fall in love with you at that.

o I'm in love with you. This will by all means; of course rattle their brains out. However, do not say this under the work on of liquor. They will think you're joking. Well, unless you are...

o You look very pretty tonight. Again, catch her off guard. This doesn't mean she's not pretty most of the time. If you consideration that she looks more made up than usual, she will appreciate it if you let her know.

o I'd like to see you again. When she's about to leave or vice versa, say the words slowly, like you're absolutely want to get together again. Also, deliver the lines while staring deep into her eyes. This will make her heart beat wild on her way home.

Remember, these aren't stuff you say while a first date. Come on, man. That will make you look totally stupid. At least, construct friendship with the girl first before getting chummy. Most of all, all things will be much easier if you say these with full honesty and sincerity. Girls have very dependable intuition and most of them can tell I you're just bluffing.

If you want more lines to make your swoon and to find out more on what to say to a girl to make her love you, feel free to check out my website. Get a dose of my other tactics that will certify you a opening to be with the girl of your dreams, and a anticipation to look transmit for happier days ahead!

finding the Right Words? - What to Say to a Girl to Make Her Love You

Human increase Hormone - 3 Words That Will Allow You to Grow a Thicker, Longer Penis

Every single day I'm asked by at least one man about the legitimacy of being able to increase the size of your penis. I work in science, I all the time have and all the time will, so whenever man asks me about whether these pills or penis enlarging creams work, I ask them to look at the science behind it. The penis is not a muscle, it's not something that can be grown alone by changing your diet, by wholesome living or by taking a magic pill or cream. Yes, these changes may enhance your sexual health, they'll give you great erections than you'll ever know, but they won't allow your penis to grow.

Ever Heard of Human increase Hormone Before?

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

The only thing can alter your penis size is direct stimulation to the penis and a cocktail of hormones and biochemicals. One of the most foremost of these being the hormone that allowed you to grow in the first place - Human increase Hormone (Hgh).

Anabolic Explosion Created By Human increase Hormone

Hgh is a excellent hormone that is effectively one of the major components in allowing our increase as humans. It was made preeminent in the media a few years ago when it was revealed that the current world soccer player of the year, Lionel Messi, suffers from a deficiency in Human increase Hormone and was given a daily shot of Hgh to help him grow. Clearly the hormone helped boost a phenomenal work for the soccer player who now earns the equivalent of 0,000 a week. Whist this media attentiveness moderately died down, behind the scenes of the penis enlargement industry, scientists were marvelling at the benefits the human penis can accomplish through the use of Human increase Hormone.

Human increase Hormone and Penis Growth

During puberty the level of biochemicals and hormones in young males are off the scale in comparison with fully advanced males. Hgh is one of the hormones that is sky high during puberty and essentially allows the penis to grow by itself. Now scientists have been trying to manufacture a law that can replicate the effects of puberty but on a compressed time scale. Basically they wanted to manufacture a law that allows huge penis increase but in a much shorter time frame than that of puberty. The penis still needs to be stimulated through a series of well advanced penis exercises. But it is the Hgh that allows the real increase to occur. As its part of a complicated system, Human increase Hormone can't naturally be taken alone and then anticipated to yield results. These systems are now accomplished and starting to hit the markets.

Human increase Hormone - 3 Words That Will Allow You to Grow a Thicker, Longer Penis

Words to relax the Bereaved - Searching For a healing Message

Every human heart will feel the sting of death. Those who die and those who are left behind will all be forced to grapple with this clear experience. The most kind among us will crusade for ways to mitigate the misery that death brings.

My friend Debra died from breast cancer in her early thirties. Tests for breast cancer were not part of her curative routine because of her young age, and by the time it was detected, her fate was sealed. I was a horrified spectator to her physical decline, her emotional roller coaster ride, and her spiritual making ready for the great difficulty of passing out of this life. I watched her siblings struggle to cope with the unthinkable diagnosis, and saw her parents agonize throughout a process that culminated with having to bury their child.

Lyrics To Home

I have heard it said that it is more difficult to watch man we love suffer than it is to endure the same suffering ourselves. If this is true, it is difficult to know if Debra suffered more because of her illness, or if her family suffered more by helplessly observing it. I know for a fact that the difficulty her family had coping with her circumstances was itself a source of suffering for Debra above and beyond her physical illness.

I spent many hours with Debra in the last week of her life. I witnessed a parade of visitors arriving at her sickbed in those last days. Throughout the whole ordeal, there seemed to be a common, but seldom spoken question that weighed heavily on the minds of every person who visited. What do I say to a dying person? What do I say to the devastated loved ones that she leaves behind? They all came to say goodbye, but in different ways. For many visitors it was plainly a lingering hug, or silent tears with a knowing gaze.

I watched a stack of greeting cards arrive at her bed, and often wondered what population wrote in them. I watched Debra read many of them silently, and quietly tuck them away in a drawer. Some of the cards made her smile, some made her laugh, and some brought tears.

The visitors who did not come and the cards that never arrived seemed to bother Debra a lot toward the end of her life. There were some population that she wanted to see one last time, but who never came to say goodbye. She began to wonder if they categorically cared. I recommend that possibly they just did not know what to say, or were unable to confront their own mortality. This seemed to relax her a great deal, considering the clear hurt displayed by many of the population who did visit.

After Debra died, someone else friend of mine watched his juvenile son die of cancer. He later see that there are many times in life when we are compelled to trip down roads that we would rather avoid, but it is a great blessing if we have a few population in our lives who are willing to share those dark journeys with us. Even if it seems as if we do not know the right thing to say to those who are grieving, we can offer loyal companionship to man who reluctantly travels the road of death and dying.

Words to relax the Bereaved - Searching For a healing Message

How to Turn Your Girl on With Words - 3 Sexy Ways to Make a Woman Melt

In this article we are going to talk about how to turn your woman on Not with your body, and not even as a matter of fact with your mind..:-) We're going to discuss a few easy and simple ways you can make your girl melt with the uncomplicated strategy of saying some Very sexy things that as a matter of fact have Nothing to do with sex! They are surprisingly sexy nonetheless... And easy and elegant ways to let Your girl know she's appreciated, and wanted as well! Trust me when I tell you, the rewards will be Well worth trying, so read on as we take a look!

"I Love seeing Your Face First Thing in the Morning"

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

This very well might be the most romantic thing you can say to a girl - ever..:-) If you truly want to see a woman's face light up and have your every fantasy be her desire to fulfill, this is the line for you! (hey - I know it works for My man - so I'm putting my money where my mouth is!) With so many Bad stereotypes about men and what happens After sex, simply reinforcing that having her there in the morning is a Very suited aphrodisiac for later!

"I love the Way You Smell"

This is another Huge turn on guys, and I promise...she'll Want to get closer to you later if you tell her this for sure! Women are Far more sensory creatures than men, and we obviously pay Far more concentration to little details like this as well. Trust me when I tell you, tell her this when she's standing close...and she Will make it worth your while later, I promise!

"I've Been reasoning About You All Day"

This is another easy way to amp Up the erotic energy...without saying whatever erotic at all! simply stated, anticipation, like we've covered before, is a huge driver for sexual stimulation for women, and if you make her Think she's been on your mind all day....she'll be all over You, later for sure!

Give these three uncomplicated tricks a chance, guys - I think you'll agree, the little bit of attempt they want will pay you back in some Very keen ways..;-)

How to Turn Your Girl on With Words - 3 Sexy Ways to Make a Woman Melt

originate in Me a Clean Heart

Psalms 51:10 originate in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

How does God do this? Is it automatic? The born again man, or spirit man is spotless in the eyes of God, but our outward man has to be renewed, and reprogrammed to think and act like the Word of God says to think and act. God looks at our heart and sees things that no one else sees. He knows what we are reasoning and the motives of our heart, and these things do matter to Him. Our motives matter as much as our actions. Many Christians would balk at this, but God's Word has much to say about our attitude and motives. The condition of our heart has a great deal to do with our faith walk, and whether we yield good or evil.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

God knows the beginning from the end and nothing is incommunicable from Him. I've used this Scripture before but I would like to take another look at it.

Psalms 139:1 O Lord, You have searched me and known me.

2. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my belief afar off.

3. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways.

4. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.

5. You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me.

6. Such knowledge is too spectacular, for me; It is high, I cannot attain it.

7. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?

He knows why we do the things we do, He knows if we do them for our own motives or if we do them with a allowable and upright attitude before Him.

Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.

How does life spring from your heart?

Jesus said this...

Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the fullness of the heart his mouth speaks.

What is in our heart will eventually come out of our mouth. What comes out of our mouth will dictate the issues of life. Impure motives will also yield impure words. Impure words are words that spring from impure motives. This is why it is vitally leading to keep our hearts. That is where the life is kept. We can't have a heart full of good and a heart full of evil at the same time. God knows our heart, even if we mess up.

Let's look at an example of this in God's Word.

1 Kings 15:11 Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did his father David.

12. And he banished the perverted persons from the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.

13. Also he removed Maachah his grandmother from being queen mother, because she had made an obscene image of Asherah. And Asa cut down her obscene image and burned it by the Brook Kidron.

14. But the high places were not removed. Nevertheless Asa's heart was loyal to the Lord all his days.

Asa wasn't perfect, but the word says he was loyal to the Lord all the days of his life. He even went as far as removing His grandmother from being queen. His motives were right, his heart was right before the Lord wasn't it? We also see that he was compared to David. Did David ever mess up? Yes, but as we just read, Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did his father David. God looks at the inner man not the outer man. We see this in the catalogue of when the Prophet Samuel was sent to Jesse to anoint a new king, and he would have chosen the oldest yet the Lord spoke to him and said...

1 Samuel 16:7 But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.''

Man most often looks at outward things, but God knows the hearts of men and He wants those who have a pure heart and motives.

If our words do not issue from an upright heart, can our faith work?

If our heart is full of evil, can our mouth speak the truth of God's Word in faith and expect to see results? I don't think so. This is more than just speaking words, it is speaking words from a heart full of faith, and that can only happen if our heart is right. Wow! Can you see how leading this is? This is where the blessings of God are. God saw David's heart when the prophet Samuel could only see the outward appearance. David was chosen because of this. This same lesson is as vital for us today as it was then. We can work for the Lord, but will we just be working, or will we be walking in God's blessings. I pray we can grasp the importance of this. You can walk in obedience and still have a bad attitude, and on the other hand, you can even mess up with a good attitude, as we have already seen with King Asa and King David.

I don't know about you, but I want God's blessings. What do I have to do to walk in these blessings. It is more than blind obedience, God does look at our motives? Our Father did not originate robots. He wants to see us doing His will because we want to. He wants to bless us, just as earthly parents want to bless their children. We know that there are times when we just can't do all the things we would like to do for our children. They have to grow up and come to a place where they can receive the blessings that we would want to give them. In other words, many times children have to grow up before we give them the things they want or think they need. You wouldn't give a 10 year old a car. No, that would be perilous to them and irresponsible of you. A 10 year old would not be ready for that responsibility. We are not all the time ready for the things God has for us, even when we think we are. Our Father knows what we are capable of much best than we do.

There is a very strong example in the New Testament of citizen doing good things with wrong motives. I would like to look at the negative side of improper motives. I believe God will look at our motives even over the actions themselves. He knows if we meant good or evil, regardless of the outward circumstances.

Acts 4:36 And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus,

37. Having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet.

5: 1. But a safe bet man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession.

2. And he kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it, and brought a safe bet part and laid it at the apostles' feet.

3. But Peter said, "Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself?

4. "While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.''

5. Then Ananias, hearing these words, fell down and breathed his last. So great fear came upon all those who heard these things.

6. And the young men arose and wrapped him up, carried him out, and buried him.

7. Now it was about three hours later when his wife came in, not knowing what had happened.

8. And Peter answered her, "Tell me whether you sold the land for so much?'' And she said, "Yes, for so much.''

9. Then Peter said to her, "How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord? Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out.''

10. Then immediately she fell down at his feet and breathed her last. And the young men came in and found her dead, and carrying her out, buried her by her husband.

11. So great fear came upon all the church and upon all who heard these things.

The Holy Spirit put this in the Scripture for our admonishment, not to scare us but to show us the importance of having pure motives and desiring to walk in true holiness.

Giving money to the poor is not a bad thing is it? I would say it is very admirable in itself. Any way we can see in this instance that they were judged not for their actions but for their motives. Peter said to Ananias, "why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.''

Ananias and Sapphira were made examples of for all of us to see. We can do good things with impure motives and as we can see from this example there will be devastating consequences. They were not blessed for what appeared to be a good deed, but because of a lying heart lost their life.

A clean and upright heart will bring blessings, a lying heart will eventually bring judgement. When much is given, much will be required. This happened during a time of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In the last days God will pour out His Spirit in an even greater measure than in the beginning. I believe we will see this same kind of judgement happening when Christians will not walk in holiness before the Lord.

We should all have a holy fear and reverence of the things of God.

Lets take this admonishment to heart and seek after God in holiness. Amen

Ephesians 4:24 and that you put on the new man which was created agreeing to God, in righteousness and true holiness.

Do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Do you want to be a joint heir with Christ?

If so, I urge you to earnestly pray the following prayer.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. Your word says, "...and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out." (Jn.6:37),

So I know You won't cast me out, but You take me in, And I thank you for it. You said in your Word, "whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'' (Ro. 10:13).

I am calling on Your name, So I know You have saved me now, You also said, "...that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation." (Ro.10:9,10).

I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification. And I confess Him now as my Lord, Because Your Word says, "... With the heart one believes to righteousness..." and I do believe with my heart, I have now come to be the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21),

And I am saved! Thank You, Lord!

I can now truthfully say, I see myself as a born again child of God!

Glory to God!!!! Amen.

originate in Me a Clean Heart

Funny Freestyle Rap Lyrics - Best to enhance Your Freestyle Raps

Funny freestyle rap lyrics are the bread and butter of pretty much every victorious rap Mc. Take a second to think about your beloved freestyles you have heard over the last few years. Almost positively most of them will be freestyles that have made you laugh. Every victorious Mc places a large amount of endeavor on integrating humorous lyrics into their raps. Possibly one of the best examples of rapper that has succeeded with the help of humor is Eminem.

The presume that funny lyrics dominate in rapping is a simple one - everyone likes to laugh. Take a look at the cinema and you will see that all the top films are whether action or comedy. victorious rap songs are no different. The bravado and story telling contained in most tracks provides the action and the lyrical deftness of the likes of Jay Z, Eminem or Biggie Smalls provides the humor.

Lyrics To Home

How can you enhance your free-styling?

One of the easiest ways to enhance your free-styling is to growth the size of your dictionary. The more words you have tucked away in your long term memory the easier it is to find a rhyme when you might otherwise choke on the mic. Some paramount rappers (including the king of freestyle, Supernatural) freely admit to reading a dictionary in their spare time to growth their lyrical scope. In expanding there are also exact programs ready that can help you design the areas of you vocabulary that are most used while rapping.

Funny Freestyle Rap Lyrics - Best to enhance Your Freestyle Raps

How To Deal With A Break Up After 3 Years Of Being Together (Words of ease and Advice)

How do you deal with a break up after being together with someone whom you loved for 3 long years? I admit it is going to take some time and effort, but you will get straight through this. If you have a religious faith, be sure to lean on your spiritual guides for words of peace and guidance. In the meantime, here are my words of relax and advice to you, that will hopefully help you while this painful and difficult time...

Advice #1: Take things one day at a time. In the beginning, you might cry a lot and feel truly depressed, and that is okay. Allow yourself to grieve over the loss of

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

someone you cared about, about a lifestyle you've grown accustomed to, and the romantic idea that you would be together forever.

Even if this break up is temporary, right now, it feels very real and you can allow yourself to treat it as such. Give yourself permission to be as weak and useless and helpless as you need to be. I find that the more I give in to what I am going straight through in the moment, the sooner it passes and magically disappears. Just allow yourself to feel your feelings and let it out. When I went straight through my break up after 3 years of being together with the man I seriously view I was going to marry, I felt as if something or someone had died... And I truly read books about how to grieve the death of someone close. Your instincts will let you know what you need to do to let go, and issue the agony and pain that you feel inside. It could be:

creating a ritual to say all the things you need to say to the other person writing a letter to pour out your thoughts and feelings looking for a counsellor to share what you're going through etc...

Let your inner voice guide you because deep down inside your heart, you know what is right for you, and only you. Nobody else can give you that.

Advice #2: Know that you are a strong gorgeous woman and that it will get better. I admit that things feel truly bad right now. But this too shall pass. Remember when you were younger and you imagined that you would all the time feel awkward colse to boys? Look how much you've grown and how well you handle yourself colse to them now. Similarly, this is just one event in your life, and you will get straight through it somehow. Since you survived adolescence and those frightening youthful years, you will be able to survive this event too. I know you are strong enough. It takes time to recognize your own power as a beautiful, wonderful, worthy human being - who is loving, lovable and loved. Going straight through this emotional break up is just other stepping stone in your journey straight through life. Hang in there and remember to take things one day at a time. Be kind to yourself.

Advice #3: Introduce some nature and attractiveness into your life. Do you feel like you are never going to be happy again? Don't worry. You will. And you can start showing yourself that it's possible by allowing some nature and attractiveness into your life. I very advise you allow yourself to reconnect with nature when you are learning how to cope with a break up after 3 years. Why? Because there is just something magical and curative about the attractiveness of nature, that can bring some inner peace to the turmoil you are experiencing in your thinking and emotional life right now. My personal recommendation is that you take a short walk in a park, in a field, on a beach, everywhere that relaxes you. Feel the wind and sunshine on your skin. Look up into the sky. Be grateful and give thanks that despite all the pain you are experiencing, the earth continues to provide the air that you need to breathe and stay alive.

There will come a time when it is time for you to pick up the pieces and rebuild your life. But right now, it's okay to just let yourself grieve, be sad and be depressed. You will be amazed at your own human spirit to overcome adversity. I know you can do it.

How To Deal With A Break Up After 3 Years Of Being Together (Words of ease and Advice)

Thank You Messages To Write In Cards - seeing The excellent Words

There are times when you need to say thanks and sometimes it can be frustrating trying to think of the right thank you messages to write in cards.

There are many websites gift proper verses and thank you messages but to save you some time I have searched around and found some of my favourite thank you messages to write in cards.

Lyrics To Home

o Thank you just isn't enough! You're the best!

o Thank you for all you do - you are a true friend.

o Thank you much more

Than a greeting can say,

Because you were thoughtful

In such a nice way!

o This brings sincere thanks

for the lovely gift you sent.

We hope it helps to tell you

just how much it meant.

o genuine,sincere Thanks...for all that you have done.

o The world's a good place

Because of folk like you

Who take the time to do nice things

The way you all the time do.

o Even if every flower in the world had a voice I couldn't send as many as it would take to say thanks enough!

If you are a keen crafter and make handmade cards it is a good idea to make up a selection of thank you cards. Once you have found a few separate thank you messages to write in cards you can then add them to your handmade cards so that you have them ready in your supplies for when you need to send one.

Thank you messages to write in cards do not have to be overly sentimental and sometimes a few lines with a more humorous feel may suit the opportunity better.

It foremost to think about what you are thanking the man for so that you can find convenient thank you messages to write. If you are sending the card to a loved one or relative something more genuine,sincere may be more appreciated. If it is for a colleague or a business expressing gratitude for a aid they have in case,granted then consider something more factual and detail why you are happy with the aid they have provided.

Trying to come up with your own thank you messages to write in cards may be a hard task, especially if you want a verse that rhymes or are pushed for time. It is potential to have poems written for you any way this can prove costly. If you unmistakably are stuck for ideas or need some inspiration then the best solution is to visit online sites that supply free thank you messages to write in cards. Seeing the right words when sending a card can make all the difference. If the words fit the opportunity then it unmistakably shows you have put time and effort into Seeing the right message.

Thank You Messages To Write In Cards - seeing The excellent Words

Words to Say to Attract Him! Here Are the Magic Words Which Will Get Any Man Attracted to You Fast

Hate the idea of saying the wrong thing and putting him off? Well not everybody has the gift of the gab and most often a woman can find herself dumb struck in the firm of the guy she's attracted to. These tips will help you to attract your man by saying the right thing.

Never be negative
If you are negative in your coming and behavior you will never attract any guy. Be clear and clear of yourself. He can't read your mind so you will have to let him know about how you feel by telling him in words that will please him.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

Words can win his heart
Don't fool yourself into mental men are not touched to the core by romantic words. Try being romantic and whisper sweet nothings in his ear and before you know it he will be putty in your hands.

Talk sports
This might sound so commonplace but it works! Men adore talking about their popular sports. They are passionate about it and can no ifs ands or buts talk about it for hours. The problem is that women rarely listen. This is the biggest mistake you can make. Ask him about his popular sport and he will be attracted to you in a shot.

Flatter him
Compliment him - his style, his looks, his walk - and you have his attention. Discuss his car or bike and you have his heart! Be quick to sense his passion and praise him. Use words appreciating his style and boosting his ego and you will attract him.

Soft spoken words are seductive
Learn to use your voice well and pitch your voice low. Husky whispers can send shivers down his spine. Make him feel no ifs ands or buts special by singling him out from the crowd and speaking just to him. The fact that you are nearly whispering will get him captivating and attracted to you.

A straightforward hello
Sometimes just a straightforward hello said at the right time with an along sexy smile will draw his attention to you. Don't be afraid of being the first one to say hello. Your open and friendly gesture will cause him to automatically respond. Go ahead and try it.

Make your "look" match your "tone"
There is no use manufacture your tone sexy and alluring when you speak if you don't look as captivating and attractive. The aggregate of a gorgeous and well groomed woman who speaks so seductively will make him sit up and no ifs ands or buts take notice!

Words to Say to Attract Him! Here Are the Magic Words Which Will Get Any Man Attracted to You Fast

My Husband Said He Regrets Marrying Me - Now What?

Few things are as hurtful as hearing your husband say your marriage was a mistake that he regrets. I recently heard from someone who had heard these words and who was still reeling. She and her husband had been arguing a lot and having problems. And, while one very nasty argument, the husband had blurted out that their marriage was "a mistake." He additional went on to say "I regret marrying you. I hypothesize my life would've been best if we had broken up before we were married."

Needless to say, the wife was wholly stunned and hurt. She would've been the first to admit that their marriage had been far from perfect. And there were days when she doubted her marriage. But, hearing these words was devastating. She said, in part: "how are you supposed to retort when someone tells you they regret marrying you? Does this mean we're heading for a divorce? Does this mean he doesn't love me and never did? Does this mean our life together was a lie and I wasted several years of my life?" I will share how I addressed these concerns in the following article.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

He May Not wholly Mean It When He Says He Regrets Marrying You: Without question, the words the husband flung at this wife were hurtful words that cut very deeply. And that was likely the whole point of them. Sometimes, words that are thrown at you in the heat of the moment might well hurt, but at the same time, might not be wholly accurate.

While the husband may have regretted the marriage at that single moment in time, he may not regret it in general terms. I've spoken with men in similar situations and what they will often tell you is that they are beyond frustrated and are regularly pulling out the stops in an effort to get their wife's attention.

As Hurtful As This Is, It Can Make You Pay attentiveness To What Matters Right Now: It's wholly understandable that, in a situation such as this one, you're reaction might be to strike back and say or do something equally hurtful. Or, you may be inclined to give up on your marriage. Who wants to be married to someone who regrets marrying you?

But, it became clear pretty quickly that this wife actually didn't want to give up on marriage. Yes, she was incredibly angry and hurt. And she wasn't sure how to proceed. But deep down, she truly wanted to frame out a way to make things best so that the marriage could finally be saved. But she seriously doubted if this was possible.

The thing is, while this may actually be a very difficult situation, at least the wife was being given a head's up before divorce proceedings were filed. Because sometimes, I hear from wives who are never given this type of warning. They plainly receive divorce papers one day and has less time to react.

At least in this situation, the wife was getting some warning signs that the marriage was in serious jeopardy. The husband was very clearly trying to bring her attentiveness to the fact that, at least for right now, he saw the marriage as flawed and not fulfilling. And, if the wife was honest, she had to admit that she agreed with his assessment. Things just hadn't been all that great lately.

Changing Your Marriage So That Neither Of You Will Look Back On Your Marriage With Regret: It might seem easy for me to say, but as I saw it, the wife actually had two choices right now. She could come to be angry, act on these out of control emotions and allow this whole process to deteriorate her marriage even more.

Or, she could get control over her emotions and effort to see the big picture. Although what her husband had said was very hurtful, she could see it as a wake up call to make some real convert that would make both she and her husband happier in the marriage.

The wife agreed with this assessment, but still insisted that she didn't know how to saunter and respond. I suggested that she wait to coming him until she could be calm. At the right time, she may say something like: "what you said about regretting marrying me hurt me deeply. It caught me off guard. With that said, I agree with you that our marriage isn't as fulfilling as it could be. We both deserve a marriage that makes up happy. So I'd like to commit to manufacture things best for both of us so that neither of us feels that we took the wrong path. I can't convert what has happened in the past. But I can convert my actions from today send and so can you."

This wasn't by any means a quick fix. There was work that needed to begin in the near future. But it would diffuse the situation and it would begin to turn a negative into a positive, which was best than the alternative of lashing out or "getting back" at him when what she actually wanted to do was to frame out a way to make the marriage best so that he was feeling good about being married to her rather than feeling regret.

My Husband Said He Regrets Marrying Me - Now What?

Learn to Speak Basic Chinese (Mandarin) Words and Phrases

The Chinese Language and dialects

Each province, each city and even each village speaks their own dialect. There are hundreds of Chinese dialects in China so much so that each dialect speaker is not likely to understand someone else dialect speaker from someone else village or city. Fortunately, Mandarin, the lawful dialect, is understood by all dialect speakers.

Lyrics To Home

Let's learn a few useful basic and common Mandarin words and phrases that will help you break barriers with your Chinese friends.

How are You? -Ni Hao Ma

Also generally shorten to Ni Hao.

This is likely to be the first Mandarin phrase that you will ever learn. useful as a greeting or a ice-breaker. Convenient for use with all ages and professions.

Thank You -Xie Xie.

Another diplomatic term that is easy to remember and use.

Very Good -Hen Hao.

This is useful when giving praise for a job or task well done. Also useful as a reply to anything who says "Ni Hao Ma?' to you.

Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)

Hen Hao (Very Good)

No Good -Bu Hao.

This is useful when there is a need to commentary on a shoddy or incomplete job or task. Can also be used as a reply to Ni Hao Ma? but may not be such a good reply.

Ni Hao Ma? (How are you?)

Bu Hao (No Good)

Very expensive -Hen Gui.

When bargaining at the shops, this is the best term to use when driving a hard bargain.

Don't want or No -Bu Yao.

This is the best term to use for touts - street hawkers who coming you at every traveler stop to ask you to buy things. Bu Yao....will stop them in their track.

This is beautiful -Hen Piao Liang.

Use this phrase to praise something that is nice or beautiful. May also be used when meeting a pretty girl too!

Taxi -De Shi.

De Shi is the spoton term but you should be understood even if you use the English word for Taxi. They sound alike anyway.

Good Bye or See You Again -Zai Jian.

Well, I guess this is someone else term that will be no ifs ands or buts understood even if the English word is used.

Excuse Me -Jie Guo.

There is all the time a crowd in touristy areas. There are so many Chinese who wants to see the same monuments too. Rather than push your way straight through the crowd, using the term Jie Guo may just open the path ahead for you!

Receipt -Fa Piao.

Always ask for the receipt or Fa Piao at the shops or from a taxi. This may be useful if you need to complain about a fraud or shoddy product. Also useful if you leave behind your bag or camera in the taxi.

I don't want -Wo Bu Yao.

Useful when refusing a tout or when offered a drink too many at the dinner table.

Learn to Speak Basic Chinese (Mandarin) Words and Phrases

Top 10 Uk Rappers and Grime Artists to Look Out For in 2009

Which Uk rappers and grime Mc's are going to dominate 2009? "How can you predict such a thing?" You may be asking yourself, but as the creator of the Uk's only web-based urban music video downloads service, I will give you the inside scoop!

Uk hip-hop and grime artists dominate the Uk's urban music scene, and Mc's such as Dizzee Rascal, Wiley and Tinchy Stryder have taken the number 1, 2 and 3 spots in the nationwide Uk charts respectively production them household names.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

In my old report "How Did Urban Music Get So Big In The Uk" I mentioned quite a few hip-hop and grime artists that have legitimately boosted the Uk's urban music scene. Here are 10 of the most influential artists to look out for that will be production waves throughout 2009:

1. Chipmunk

With his "Chip Diddy Chip" single production the A-list playlists on major radio stations such as Bbc Radio 1 and Kiss Fm, Chipmunk is now in the middle of a report label bidding war. Look out for his "I Am Chipmunk" album advent this year.

2. Tinchy Stryder

After recently signing a report deal with Universal, Tinchy Stryder has hit the no.3 spot in the Uk charts with his "Take Me Back" single, which features r&b singer Taio Cruz. The single has received major withhold from all major radio stations and music Tv channels.

3. Bashy

With 2008's smashes such as "Black Boys" and the movie soundtrack lead single "Kidulthood to Adulthood", Bashy has caught the concentration of many including Prime minister Gordon Brown as he's recently spent time working on a definite task at 10 Downing road with the Prime Minister. Look out for his "Catch Me if you Can" album this year.

4. Wiley

With 2 hit singles in 2008, one of them (Wearing My Rolex) hit the no.2 spot in the Uk charts. The self-proclaimed "King of Grime" has made the decision to publish more commercially-accepting music this year, as well as releasing his eagerly predicted "Race Against Time" album. Look out for Wiley's "She Glows" music video which features fellow grime mc's Kano and Ghetts.

5. Ghetts

Recently signing a single deal for "Sing For Me", this is Ghetts first ever commercial publish as well as his first single using his new name, which was previously "Ghetto".

6. Sway

After winning the "Best Uk Hip-Hop Act" award at the 2006 Bet Awards, then releasing his "The Signature Lp" album in 2008, Sway has since signed a U.S report deal with Akon's "Kon Live" report label and released the "Silver and Gold" single, which features Akon.

7. N-Dubz

This hip-hop/r&b trio (Tulisa, Dappy & Fazer) have recently gone platinum in the Uk with their "Uncle B" album. With new hits like "Papa" and "Strong Again" gaining mainstream withhold from all major radio stations, you can expect more hits from the consistently-strong N-Dubz in 2009.

8. Giggs

Since putting out the biggest freestyle in Uk hip-hop's history, Peckham rapper Giggs proved that his "Talking the Hardest" track was big sufficient to publish an album on the back of; and his "Walk in the Park" album fast sold out in its first week of nationwide release. Soon after, Giggs won the "Best Uk hip-hop artist" award at Bet's 2006 music wards in atlanta. Recently teaming up with one of the Uk's most victorious r&b artists of all time, Shola Ama, expect big things from Giggs in 2009.

9. Skepta

After touring the Uk and Europe with both Jme and Wiley, then releasing "Rolex Sweep" in 2008, the "Boy good Know" frontman started 2009 by releasing the electro-hit "Sunglasses at Night". Skepta is now releasing house and electro-inspired music commercially as opposed to grime, so a chart-topper may well be on the radar.

10. Wretch 32

As one quarter of "The Movement" (Wretch 32, Ghetts, Scorcher, Mercston), Wretch 32 done a very victorious 2008 by releasing his eagerly predicted album "Wretchrospective" and two music videos, "Be Cool" and "In a Di Ghetto."

Top 10 Uk Rappers and Grime Artists to Look Out For in 2009

condolence Words - How to Write Words of condolence in Cards and Letters

Sympathy words in a letter or pity card can be an encouraging ray of light to person who has recently lost a loved one. After a death, things can seem bleak and depressing, and words of pity are often a helpful way for the bereaved to cope with their loss. Receiving mail from friends and loved ones showing that they care in a difficult time is a great source of comfort.

As a friend of the bereaved, however, looking the right pity words to show how much you care can be difficult. Has free examples of pity words and sayings you can use to help you write your own pity card or letter.

Lyrics To Home

Finding the right pity words, although not an easy task, is well worth the time and endeavor you'll spend. The survivor will receive many pre-printed pity words in the form of cards and other greetings, but very few handwritten pity messages. By taking the time to write your own words of pity on a purchased greeting card, you're showing your friend that they're special to you and that you sincerely want to help them through a difficult time. Your words of ease and hold will serve as a reminder of your love for the deceased, and may be treasured for years to come.

Tips for Writing pity Words

When you sit down to institute your letter or card, be transparent about your feelings. Don't feel that you need to "dress up" your words, use flowery language, or be excessively fancy. Instead, write your pity message as if you're speaking to your friend face-to-face. They'll appreciate a genuine message from your heart more than a contrived pity message that you had to work to write. There are many sample pity words for cards and letters ready online that can give you a clear idea of what to write.

If you're sending a card, you can either write your message on the non-printed area inside, or jot it on a piece of stationary and tuck it into the card. If writing a letter, take the time to pen it by hand. Don't send a pity letter printed on the computer or a card with your signature pre-printed - you want the pity message to be as personal as possible.

Send your pity words in a timely manner. A normal rule of thumb is to mail out the card or letter no more than two weeks after the death. This commonly means that your words of pity will arrive shortly after the funeral - a time when your loved one will need them most. If you've procrastinated, however, don't feel as though you cannot send your pity message. Your genuine,sincere words are sure to be appreciated, even if they're a bit delayed.

Words of pity to consist of in Your Message

There are some basic elements that should all the time be included in a pity letter. By along with all of these elements, you'll end up with a nicely written pity letter each time you need one, without struggling to find the right words.

First, you should sincerely express your pity for your loved one's loss. Mention the deceased by name, and refer to them casually or by a nickname if appropriate. Avoid using overly formal language if you had a friendly relationship.

Secondly, consist of a memory of the deceased if possible. Mention their character strengths or endearing qualities, and demonstrate to the survivor that their loved one will be missed.

Last, choose a personal closing for your letter. Use words that show the reader that they're in your thoughts, such as "Wishing you Peace" or "Thinking of You". Generic greeting such as "Sincerely", while appropriate, lack a personal touch.

Sympathy words can be difficult to write, but are all the time appreciated. By taking the time to write genuine words of pity and send them to your loved one, you're demonstrating how much you care and showing them that their family member will be missed. By using these tips and guidelines, you can craft pity words that will encourage and ease your friends and family in difficult times.

condolence Words - How to Write Words of condolence in Cards and Letters

Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Words to Make Her Fall Madly in Love With You

The usual sweet things to say to your girlfriend just don't have that oomph anymore.

Nowadays, the simple "I love you" is not sufficient to show how much you admittedly care for the man you love. These are already mere words that are continuously abused by so many.

Lyrics To Home

Guys can be quite good at sweet talk, but the typical sweet things to say to your girlfriend would succeed in more "successes" if they come with some garnish (and sincerity, of course).

On the other hand, girls are quite reserved when talking about the likes of "I love you." For most, "I love you" are sacred words that are only meant to be uttered to the man who admittedly deserve them.

This is quite a challenge for men. You need to think of new things or new words to say that would make the women fall madly, deeply in love with you. But you need not spend much just to make the woman of your interest consideration you.

Below are some sweet things to say to your girlfriend that might come in handy. They might sound a slight old hat; but why not give it a try? You have nothing to lose, anyway.

1) "You look admittedly beautiful."

Try to appreciate your girlfriend's appearance. Women admittedly love it when they are being praised by their boyfriends. They do a lot of things to make themselves spellbinding to their man. Unfortunately, some men disregard this attempt made by women.

2) "You are my life. Losing you would mean the end of me."

This shows that she's the most prominent man in your life and losing her would mean losing everything.

Women like to know how prominent she is in your life than football and your friends. This is probably one of the strongest in the list of sweet things to say to your girlfriend.

3) "You are my answered prayer."

It's all the time nice to know that man has been longing and praying for you. Girls like to hear that you included prayers and God in your words.

This shows that you are serious with her because you are already putting God as your witness. And if you don't admittedly mean it, it would be just blasphemous of you to do so.

4) "I would rather be the one hurt than you."

This is admittedly one of the nicest things to say to anyone. You must show to her that you are willing to give up anything and everything, even carry the burden just to ease her pain. This is quite heroic; but it admittedly works!

These are just some of the sweet things to say to your girlfriend and touch her heart even deeper. Think about them and see when and where you can apply them to your relationship. These would by all means; of course help keep the fire burning in the middle of you and your girlfriend.

You may be surprised to know that even though women tend to be more sophisticated these days, simplicity is still the key to production her happy. You have to learn how to listen and talk by saying the right sweet things to say to your girlfriend. Some of the most tasteless lines that will work for any years comprise "You look beautiful", "Thank you" and "I care".

Sweet Things to Say to Your Girlfriend - Words to Make Her Fall Madly in Love With You

The Best Karaoke Songs Of 2011 - Country And Pop

Another year has passed us by so it's a good time to retell the year and see what songs top the sales for the year 2011. As mentioned in our retell last year, there are similar reviews. Ours is dissimilar in that it shows what habitancy wanted to sing last year and not just what they wanted to listen to. No retell can be fully definite but we feel the following lists give a good retell of the best music that came out in 2011 and that karaoke singers were requesting.

2011 Top Karaoke Pop Songs

Lyrics To Barefoot Blue Jean Night

#1 - Rolling In The Deep - Adele (Many habitancy assume Adele to be a black singer because of the sound of her voice but she's not. What you hear from her are powerful vocals with the feel of emotion behind every note. That is exactly what a good singer wants from a song. The challenge for any singer with 'Rolling In The Deep' is matching the emotion and feeling that Adele puts in her original version. Of policy you can get away with not being able to match Adele's vocal quality and still please your audience if you're a six year old girl singing this song with all your heart, as did Alexa Narvaez on YouTube with currently over 13 million views.)

#2 - someone Like You - Adele (Yes, Adele comes in with the top two Pop songs for 2011. 'Someone Like You' speaks of a someone advent to terms with the fact that her past lover has moved on. She wishes him the best and sings that she will find 'someone like you', claiming to have come to terms with the status of their break-up but obviously revealing otherwise. Possibly this song became so favorite because most of us have had our hearts broken in the same way that this song relates.)

#3 - Party Rock Anthem - Lmfao with Lauren Bennett & Goonrock (Well I notion Lmfao must be a band, with Possibly each letter of this group's name representing one of their members. Man, am I ever out of the loop. Lmfao is an acronym for Laughing My Freaking Ass Off. Lmfao is unmistakably a duo composed of Motown founder's Berry Gordy's youngest son Stefan aka Redfoo and his grandson Skyler aka SkyBlu. The song was one of the most favorite dance songs of the year. If it's fun to dance to then it must be fun to sing.)

#4 - On The Floor - Jennifer Lopez & Pitbull (If anyone remembers the Lambada from 1989 then you'll no doubt observation the borrowed beat for the main riff. What can we expect for J-Lo's next big single? Maybe a reworking use of the main riff from 'Islands In The Stream' or 'Afternoon Delight'.)

#5 - You And I - Lady Gaga (Unlike most of Lady Gaga's tunes and maybe just a shade less thriving as some of Gaga's dance songs, this tune was extremely requested as a karaoke song. 'You And I' is a bluesy, rock and country inspired ballad that mildly samples the excellent Queen song 'We Will Rock You'.)

#6 - Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5 with Christina Aguilera (This song has a catchy hook and was favorite among the karaoke crowd, and what has made it more keen is that it is a female/male duet.)

#7 - Mr. Know It All - Kelly Clarkson (The original American Idol is still going strong five studio albums later. This song once again capitalizes on strong vocals and the hook 'you don't know a thing about me' will stay in your head long after the last note of the song is played.)

#8 - Lighters - Bad Meets Evil & Bruno Mars (Bad Meets Evil is a duo consisting of rappers Royce da 5'9" and Eminem. This duo unmistakably was formed before Eminem gained his mainstream popularity in 1999, they broke up and now have since reunited. The song 'Lighters' is an alternative hip-hop song, dissimilar from hard core rap, especially with the added vocals of Bruno Mars.)

#9 - We Found Love - Rihanna (Rihanna once again hits the top of the charts with a catchy dance song. Many versions of this song also list Calvin Harris in the due but we have not heard a duet version or any version that highlight vocals other than Rihanna's.)

#10 - I Do - Colbie Caillat (Like Colbie Caillat's first singular Bubbly, this song is a feel good, happy-go-lucky sunny day song that speaks of taking relationships to the next level. A excellent tune for the optimistic romantic.)

Honorable Mention:

Mistletoe - Justin Bieber (Some habitancy may wonder why Justin Bieber is once again not on the top 10. He also didn't make the top ten with any of his songs in 2010, Possibly because although his songs have a broad appeal, when it comes to singing them there will be a much smaller audience. Collectively karaoke versions of his songs sold more than any other artist in 2011; Justin Bieber was the best selling Karaoke artist of 2011. The late season issue of 'Mistletoe' nearly made the top 10. It was extremely requested in late November and December. Many long for a fresh, new holiday song and this song filled that need precisely.)

Top 2011 Karaoke Country Songs

#1 - Dirt Road Anthem - Jason Aldean (This song talks about country life but adds a little 'country rap' in the mix. Very favorite tune and option for karaoke singers.)

#2 - Just Fishin' - Trace Adkins (This song is about a father and daughter fishing together. Someone else feel good country song that pulls on your heart strings.")

#3 - Country Girl (Shake It For Me) - Luke Bryan (This song is quite dissimilar from the earlier hit by Luke Bryan 'Rain Is A Good Thing'. The title should be a dead giveaway that this song is not a ballad or a story song. It is a coming-right-at-you dance tune that caught on and became one of the most requested country songs to sing.)

#4 - Hell On Heels - Pistol Annies (There are some songs that are country cross overs; songs that can be played on both the Pop Charts and the Country Charts. Not this song, it's undoubtedly country. The Pistol Annies make a statement of a woman's wrath, singing 'sugar daddy I'm comin' for you'. )

#5 - You Lie - The Band Perry (Another country tune about an unhappy relationship. You lie like a Persian rug, like a coon dog basking in the sun, like a penny in the parking lot. It seems many a country song is about that bitter feeling that one gets when they find out that their critical other isn't so critical and habitancy just love to sing about it.)

#6 - Honey Bee - Blake Shelton (This catchy tune did well on the Billboard 100 as well as going whole 1 on the country charts. The broad appeal of the song (and the fact that habitancy were singing it) helped put it into the top ten of our list.)

#7 - Barefoot Blue Jean Night - Jake Owen (This song reminisces about the fun one had on his southern summer barefoot blue jean night. His buddy Frankie got hooked up with a Cadillac with horns on the hood! )

#8 - Story Of Us - Taylor Swift (an upbeat tempo song that by it's title might indicate the song would be about a happy relationship. Unfortunately the chorus is 'the story of us is a tragedy now.')

#9 - This Is Country Music - Brad Paisley (Though not as commercially thriving as some of Brad Paisley's earlier hits, 'This Is Country Music' epitomizes what many feel a country song is all about. Country music fans can take pride in that their music often has some substance in it's lyrics or message, which is not the norm with a pop tune.)

#10 - Just A Kiss - Lady Antebellum (Lady Antebellum songs are very favorite in the karaoke world because of their duet capability. The way that Charles Kelley and Hillary Scott readily switch lead vocals in their original renditions make many singers want to do the same in the karaoke versions. The challenge is seeing two singers with the same vocal abilities of Lady Antebellum's lead singers.)

So, once again, Someone else year has given us a slew of new music. So you, the karaoke singer, need to stop singing the same old tune. You don't want to branch the crowd to one more time of singing the same song that you sing week after week, no matter how good you sing that song. There is abundance of new karaoke music to pick from. Sometimes it may seemed that there is no good new music out there. Any way it may seem that way because you've gotten into the habit of listening to your 'iPod' with your pre-selected choices in music. Start production it a habit of listening to radio or turning on a music channel more often, then you're going to find abundance of new selections to pick from.

The Best Karaoke Songs Of 2011 - Country And Pop

Romantic Things to Say: Words to Make Him Fall in Love

Are you in a association with a guy but is not sure if he is in love with you or not? Have you been mental of the right words to say to make him fall for you? Do you still need help when it comes to your list of romantic things to say to ultimately make him confess his love for you?

In a relationship, it is foremost to have the bond of love. There are relationships any way that are not based on love but this does not mean that the individuals complicated do not have the right to fall in love eventually. If you are one of these women who are in such type of relationship, you do not have to lose hope. You can still make your guy fall for you if you know the romantic things to say that can break his hardened heart. Women must know that there are a lot of romantic things to say to the guys that can have definite results and these can include the following:

Lyrics To Home

1. You May Not be exquisite but I Like You Just the Same: This is one of those romantic things to say that can nothing else but make a guy fall for you. To a guy, hearing this from a girl can mean that he does not have to turn anyone about him and the girl will like him for what he truly is. Most guys dread being in a association for the presume that most often than not, women have this tendency of changing them into man that they're not.

2. You Had Me at Hello: This is a beloved line in movies and may sound cheesy any way this can also be one of the romantic things to say to your guy. This means that there must have been something special about your guy for him to awaken your heart with just the word hello.

3. With You I feel at Home: Most women reconsider this line one of the romantic things to say to a guy. This means that the guy can make you feel fetch and you feel so comfortable being with him. With this line, what you are nothing else but trying to say is that you have ultimately found your heart's home and it's with him. Guys will nothing else but fall for these words. This line may be as easy as it sounds but it speaks volume.

4. I Miss You: someone else one of the romantic things to say to a guy. Though this is one of the ordinarily used lines in conversations, still these words never fail to stir one's emotion. These words speak of longing, a considerable emotion. If you long for a guy it means that you cannot bear to be without him and cannot bear not to see him.

5. I Love You: It is always said that you should never to say these words unless you nothing else but mean it. It is because these words signify the most considerable emotion of all and that is love. Love can move mountains, that's how considerable it is and to say these words just for the sake of saying it is betraying that considerable emotion that each individual possesses. This tops the list of the most romantic things to say to your guy. Once you say this there's no more turning back.

Romantic Things to Say: Words to Make Him Fall in Love

Words For Thank You Notes - Thoughtful Words to Express Your Thanks

It's extremely foremost that you choose the best words for thank you notes. After all, you want to let habitancy know how much you appreciate what they have done or given you. A simple thank you isn't going to cut it anymore.

Choosing words for thank you notes isn't that hard. You can be as creative as you want to be, depending on the man you intend to send the message to. If you have a consolidate of thank you notes to send, here are some words you might find useful.

Lyrics To Home

1) I can never thank you enough... But I'll try! Thank you so much!

This one is more lighthearted and is exquisite if you're writing to man who did you a favor. It's simple, sincere and a funny sufficient to be carefully memorable. Sometimes, the best words for thank you notes are the simplest. But don't just stop at saying thank you though!

2) Thank you for this gift, and for the gift of knowing you.

People like to know that they're appreciated. If man sends you a gift, this line would probably be the best. It takes away all the materialism of the actual present and instead highlights the more meaningful side of gift giving.

3) I'll think of you every time I use it.

If you happen to receive presents that aren't exactly to your liking, you should use these words for your thank you notes. It's still the truth, but you phrased it a diminutive differently so as not to hurt anybody's feelings.

Choosing the best words for thank you notes can be a bit daunting at first, especially when you have to write so many. However, with the sample listed above, I hope that you'll be able to add more meaning to your notes rather than just a coarse thank you.

Words For Thank You Notes - Thoughtful Words to Express Your Thanks

Sweet Words Every Woman Would Love to Hear- Be truly Sensational and Blow her Over

Do you know that the biggest key to success with women is saying what they want to hear from you? You see women want a guy who knows what they want and keeps their needs fulfilled. One of the major reasons why any guys out there all the time end up being rejected no matter how hard they try is due to the fact that they don't know what women want to hear and all the time end up delivering the exact opposite of what women expect. Read on to survey some of the sweetest words women love to hear.

You're cute- Who doesn't like compliments and when a guy makes such compliments women plainly love it. Women like to be appreciated and love to be told that they look good therefore make it a point to use this line but make sure you don't over do it as she would be very quick to pick up on either you for real mean it or not.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

I am sorry- Now how many times do guys for real say this to women? Not often right? Well this is probably the best way to keep any and every woman amused nearby you. You see guys never admit to their mistake and all the time find a suspect or an excuse to leave the responsibility. Learn to admit to your mistakes and say sorry once in a while. You would see a huge turn in the attitude of females nearby you.

Thank you- Well not too many guys are thankful for what women do in our society. You see one fact most guys tend to overlook is that they are in this world due to a woman and it is highly prominent to respect women in that sense. Women would not demand too much if you know when to say thank you. You see they just want to know that someone does care and their efforts aren't being wasted.

Sweet Words Every Woman Would Love to Hear- Be truly Sensational and Blow her Over

Persuasive Writing Examples - Words Persuade Your Readers To Take action

It's a given that writing persuasively will help you turn more of your readers into clickers! Getting more prospects to click straight through to your gift is what it's all about right?

Are there positive words that can make your writing more persuasive? You bet there is.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

Persuasive words, are words that get your point across in a clear and brief manner. When writing a persuasive piece (aren't they all persuasive pieces?) the words you use can make all the divergence in your lowest line...your Ctr (click straight through rate.)

Let's look at a few examples of the use of persuasive words. Which sentence is written using the more persuasive words?

"When trying to earn money online you could try to sell products on your blog."


"To earn money online use your blog to sell your products."

See the difference? Persuasive writing needs to be crisp, clean (no unneeded words), and above all persuasive!
Here's someone else example of persuasive writing:

"Article writing can give you backlinks, and might even entice the reader to click on your link at the end of your article."


"Article writing gives you backlinks, and clicks on your link in your reserved supply box."

When writing with persuasion you should get right to the point without any fluff or wasted words. Stick to the branch of your piece and present a compelling argument, the reader can't ignore!

Persuasive writing is all about convincing the reader using logic and, better yet, connecting with your readers on an emotional level in order to vigor them to take the activity you set before them.

Learn to write persuasively and you will get more of what you write on your offering, or service.

Learn to write persuasively and your writing will be the best it can be!

Persuasive Writing Examples - Words Persuade Your Readers To Take action

10 Qualities to Look for in a Long-Term Motivated to Marry Partner

Do you know what kind of someone would make you happy? What qualities would you want someone you would want to marry have? As human beings, we all acknowledge to distinct gestures and behaviors positively. This dating guidance for women and men is to reveal which qualities you need to have on your radar screen when you are searching for a partner with whom you can have long term bliss. Keep in mind the following association issues as you evaluate someone as a Motivated to Marry(Tm) Partner.

1. Offers you genuine friendship

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

Everyone wants someone who can be their best friend straight through thick and thin. We want someone with whom we can share our deepest thoughts as well as with whom we can have fun with.

2. Kind and Compassionate

What kind of heart does he or she have? Does he take in stray animals or does she volunteer to help the sick? And how forgiving is his or her nature? Is she kind to you and empathize with you when you've had a bad day?

3. Encouraging and Supportive

Our hope is that our partner becomes our most fan. Some dating tips for men consist of that you cheer her on while difficult times, and don't forget to tell her you believe in her. She supports you by taking care of the kids at night while you go back to school.

4. A Sense of Being Understood

Being seen and being known is the biggest gift you can give someone. beyond doubt hearing them and acknowledging that you've heard them is very powerful. The key association issue is acceptance of who we are is what we all strive for.

5. Being Appreciative

The potential to recognize when someone has gone out of your way or done something nice for you is a lost art. Just saying these straightforward words, "I appreciate what you have done" just makes someone's day. One can never express too much appreciation! This is also prominent dating guidance for women.

6. potential to be Intimate

Being willing to show your true self to someone else does take guts and trust. production yourself vulnerable to someone else is not an daily occurrence. Allowing someone to get to know you and love you just the way you are, for better or worse is not for the faint-hearted.

7. Respectful

Being able to remain respectful of someone else although you may not agree with the someone does take a lot of class. It's even harder to treat someone with respect when you are under stress. always treat each other like delicate China where you can break your strong bond with the slip of a hurtful tongue. Nasty remarks and put downs are damaging to any relationship.

8. Open and willing to work on enhancing the relationship

Open and honest transportation is the key to any relationship. As part of a couple, you need to be willing to listen to constructive comments and requests from your partner. It's prominent to hear your partner's side and visa versa. If you reach a deadlock without any viable solutions, be willing to seek help from an impartial third party to decide major association issues.

9. Trustworthy

Trust is built over time and many distinct encounters with someone. Does this someone corollary up when he/she says they will? Is this someone you have found you can count on? Trust is the foundation of any relationship.

10. Thinks and acts in a "we" manner, not a "me" manner

Does your possible partner think of how his or her actions will sway you? Are your thoughts and feelings taken into consideration? Is there a goal of compromise for the sake of the relationship? A association cannot survive on "me" alone!

These are the 10 qualities you would want to look for in a Motivated to Marry(Tm) mate. Only you know which qualities are more prominent to you and must be gift in a someone to be happy. Good luck with your search. He or she is out there waiting for you!

10 Qualities to Look for in a Long-Term Motivated to Marry Partner

A easy Look at Word of Knowledge, Prophecy and Word of Wisdom

There exist three prophecy gifts and when properly understood and after you ask the Lord for the gift of prophecy you can operate in all of them and bless many people. In this short description I look at the gift of prophecy, word of knowledge and word of wisdom and show you how they are all part of the gift of prophecy but three inevitable gifts. I will use a prophecy that person did over me today and show you step by step straight through it.

To start with let me give you a simple idea of what the three gifts entail.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now


Prophecy is a written or spoken message off God ( the Spirit of God) straight through a human mouth or pen. Prophecies can be simple words strung together with a message, or a aggregate of a picture and words. A good aggregate of prophecy with a picture is a prophecy that I received the other day.

I see someone... It appears to be a man by the size and shape. He is wearing heavy combat boots that are very thick with loose dust. His shoe laces are untied and dragging on the ground. He is dressed in heavy clothing made of very rough material.. His back is bent...not from an weakness but from fatigue. He walks along this long path alone..up ahead in the length he sees what looks like a he nears it he sees trees that are blooming and have an odour of flowers...He sees beautiful lush plants and shrubs...He walks further into this area and sees a small body of a stream...He hunches down dips his hand into the water and drinks...The water is cool and sweet...refreshing...He sighs...long and hard...He smiles and stands up. He is no longer bent over he is standing tall and smiling. The heavy layers of loose dust have fallen from his boots. His clothes are clean lighter weight and acceptable for where he is.. He has a look of satisfaction....of joy...of relief...of thanks that he has arrived.

At present I am going straight through a well rough time not being able to sleep at the right time at night. This has been going on for about a month. It has been wearing me down and like the man in the picture I am fatigued and bent over with troubles. This prophecy very clearly describes to me what I have been going straight through and also gives me hope that the rejoinder is just around the angle and the end is in sight.

Not all habitancy have pictures or see visions when they prophesy. Some habitancy plainly speak words and write words. All the words of a message can be called the prophecy, even scripture verses, but parts of the prophecy can also be words of knowledge and words of wisdom.

Words of knowledge

Words of knowledge are the part of a prophecy that are about a thing that is a fact that is presently in your life right now or has been in your past that the person prophesying in the natural sense of things would have no knowledge of. A word of knowledge is when Jesus said to the Samaritan woman that she had spoken correctly that she had lived with several husbands and that the man she was living with now wasn't her husband. That was knowledge that was divine in nature and she asked him if he was a prophet. When you deliver and accurate word of knowledge in a prophecy it well gets the persons attentiveness and the remarkable result that they have on the recipients hasn't well changed today.

Words of wisdom

A word of wisdom is a word of divine direction by the Lord in the midst of prophecy. This might be something like don't sign that business deal tomorrow, or don't do this or that, or else be direction to do something. In the midst of prophecy, it isn't the person prophesying over you giving you advice, it is the Lord giving you divine direction.

In the Old Testament kings would consult a prophet when they went to war and ask if the Lord was going to show them favour and ask advice. Sometimes the prophet would speak a word of wisdom like dig a whole lot of trenches and fill them with water and when you hear this sound make a big noise. Something like that happened in the Bible and the enemy fled at the prophet's direction as the Lord did a miracle.

A word of wisdom might just be one line in a page of prophecy but it is one line that you should take note of and see that you do it.

So let us look at this prophecy and see what it entails as an example

The words of the prophecy are in italics and my description are below each of them.

You have had great distress in your life.

At 14 years of age I was sexually abused and this led into a life of addiction and a very sad life. Some fourteen years ago I developed a schizoaffective disorder ( Bipolar and schizophrenia) I have suffered greatly with this condition and my parents have suffered a lot during all of it also. For a total stranger to say this as the first words of a prophecy is very comforting to know that the Lord seems to know who he is speaking to. This is a superior word of knowledge. Some of you may say it is quite general, but how many habitancy have had great distress in their life. She had my attentiveness right away.

You have been in backslidden states several times in your life.

20 years of my life I was backslidden yet there were a combine of years in that 20 years that I was back on track again. Once again this is someone else word of knowledge. A skeptic might say it is too general also but to the person who has lived my life they have full knowledge that their life hasn't been to model Christian life.

The Spirit of the Lord shows me you cry out to him for recovery in many areas in your life.

I have done a lot of bad things in my life and in doing so picked up all sorts of demons and damaged myself in many ways. I am all the time in the guard for a way to restore myself to the abundance that God has for me. There are areas of my life that I know I need work on. Next month I am booked in for a session with some spiritual counselling and healing at a local church and I am counting down that days. Once again this is a word of knowledge as only the Lord would know that I cry out for restoration.

Loneliness is one of the many areas in your life you seek God's hand in.

Since I have not been to work for a month I have been getting very lonely. I was only saying to my mum the other day that I have been getting lonely. This is someone else word of knowledge and a branch that weighs on my heart.

He is working on your Faith in the promises he has made or showed you.

This is a word of prophecy that isn't a word of knowledge but makes a lot of sense. I read a book on faith that had about fourteen stories of great habitancy of faith and they asked them about their faith. The first three habitancy in the book, one after the other said that the major contributing factor of their faith were the trials that they had endured.

In the midst of a major trial where I can't sleep properly God is reminding me that He is busy working on my faith. I was only thinking as I was trying to go to sleep tonight how was I ever going to be this great speaker in the time to come when I can't even sleep like an ordinary person.

Here God is saying this trial is for me to overcome and custom being an overcomer in once again and for me not to lose hope in all the promises that the Lord has made me.

He stops me and reminds me to tell you not to cut off yourself from the world.

With the above descriptions I hope you are able to see that this line is a word of wisdom. I have been doing exactly that. I have been at home away from my place of voluntary work for three weeks and I have been getting very lonely. The Lord here is telling me to go back and connect with the people. Even if I can't get into there until work is complete or half over, I can still go into our community centre and connect with people. The Lord doesn't want me to get so lonely and he wants me to connect and laugh and be with others.

Let your boldness show forth in the things of the kingdom...

Another word of wisdom. someone else direction from the Lord.

As you can see there are many words of knowledge in this prophecy and two words of wisdom. It was a well refreshing word for me to get especially with the word of wisdom telling me to connect with the world. I well needed to hear that. I well needed to hear it!

I hope now that you have a good idea what prophecy, words of wisdom and words of knowledge are now. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you would like a prophecy of this person who prophesied this to me plainly go to my site and ask for Bambi to prophesy over you.

A easy Look at Word of Knowledge, Prophecy and Word of Wisdom

How to Write Rap Song Lyrics in 5 Steps

With the strong emergence of hip-hop in today's music scene, a lot of habitancy are interested in learning to rap and want to know how to write rap song lyrics. While there is no "exact" way, these 5 quick tips will undoubtedly help you to write a great rap song.

1. Find a Beat to Inspire You. Ever wonder how the pros beginning writing a rap song? 9 times out of 10 they begin by looking for beats to inspire them. They are looking for something that touches them in way that inspires and motivates them to write lyrics to. Everybody has a different taste in music, so find a beat that You like and can write naturally to. Find something that abruptly grabs you and relates to you. You can find beats as a matter of fact on the internet. Just crusade Google and Soundclick and you will be sure to find a beat to write rap song lyrics to.

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

2. Pick a Main Topic. Once you find a beat that you want to use, begin reasoning of a topic that goes nicely with the beat you chose. Remember to Pick a topic that relates with both You and the beat. If you chose a sad, emotional-sounding beat, then pick a topic that is sad and emotional and that you chronicle with. If you pick a club style beat then Pick a topic that is relevant to the club scene. Listen to your beat, ask yourself what kind of impact you would like your rap song lyrics to have on people, and decree on your main topic. Remember that how you write rap song lyrics will greatly depend on your topic.

3. Write Your Hook. A lot of rappers and producers alike find it best institution to begin a rap song by first writing the hook. Now that you have your beat and main topic selected, you have a great foundation to begin writing your hook lyrics to.

To explain how to write rap hooks, I've broken hook-writing down into a few steps that I have found to be very effective.

a.) consider these things: Do you want the hook to be catchy? Do you want it to be deep and emotional? Do you want to sing it or rap it out?

b.) Listen to the hook part of your beat. Vibe with the beat and start freestyling some ideas. Even if your words aren't making sense, freestyle to the beat to fabricate some different flows. Experiment and outline out what you like.

c.) Now that you have some ideas flowing, begin writing lyrics down. Make a list of words that you might want to incorporate into the hook.

d.) Look at your word list as you listen to the beat and begin freestyling some new ideas with these words.

e.) Once you come up with some strong ideas, it may be a good idea to quickly narrative them to see which one sounds the best. Once you've decided, we can move on with the verses!

4. Begin Writing the Verses. Now that the hook is finished, you have all laid out for the verses. So how do you write rap song verses?

a.) Start each verse off strong in order to fabricate a connection with the listener right away. A good way to do this is to begin with a controversial, funny, bold, or catchy chance line.

b.) Now that you've got the listeners attention, halt out your verses with article that is relevant to your topic. Rhyme more than just the last word in each sentence when you can. Try to use different flow structures throughout instead of just sticking to one the whole time.

c.) If you are having issue or writer's block, write out a list of rhyming words that chronicle to your topic (use a dictionary and thesaurus if necessary) and refer to this list to spark ideas.

d.) Just as you started off strong, end the verse lyrics strong too! Make sure you transition into the hook smoothly and halt with a bang!

5. Practice! possibly the most underrated part of rapping...practice! It's one thing to know how to write rap song lyrics, but putting it into activity is something else. Once you have your song written, institution it over and over until you know it by heart and can chronicle it perfectly with no flaws. Trust me this is important!

I hope you now know how to write rap song lyrics more efficiently and effectively. Apply what you've learned to your next rap song and I am sure you will consideration a difference!

How to Write Rap Song Lyrics in 5 Steps

You Need to Stop Texting - Now!

This digital age is a marvel of technology... And I'm not trying to turn your life in one particular way... Except:

Stop texting the guys you like!

Lyrics To Look At Me Now

He texts you, you reply and text him back, maybe you have long text conversations that literally go nowhere. Or maybe a merge of months of cell phone texting being the main form of communication, through whatever movable types of phone you use.

"Texts" are just hints to a whole story. They are nudges that try to turn into something. Emotionless words typed from a guy that just can't be bothered to dial you up and literally talk to you on your voice.

The guy you like, he likes to text you a lot. Why?

You want to read this now:

- Stop Texting, they have your phone number, make them use it, and call you back promptly. But don't sass the text for a minimum 24 minutes.

And keep your reply short to this: Say "Call me back from your phone, no texts right now please."

Now he has to talk with you, verbally. No more private meanings and unknown answers, better verbal and voice tone clues, faultless with nervous silences and "hems and haws" waiting for words to come out of his voice box.

Pay particular concentration to the way he says what he says. Listen to the tone of his voice. Use these verbal clues and his open/closed body language when you're in front of him.

This will tell you much more than you could ever get from a text message.

Ask any body language expert, and she'll tell you that communication is 90% non-verbal, 10% verbal. When you are face-to-face with a person you can decipher their body language and, right or wrong, you form a realistic image of them in your mind.

When talking with person on the phone, your quality to decipher what they mean, the emotion in their words, is curtailed. Not so much data comes your way but you instinctively can decode their emotions through the tone of their voice. Happy, sad, angry, worried, it's all revealed through the vocal cords, the breaks in the flow of words, etc.

When you're texting someone, you lose the majority of the ways you can identify with what the person is going through at the occasion they are sending you that text message.

When you receive the text message, well, a bit of fantasy invades your logic town and you immediately, based on past touch with the person and (a big And) you add the emotions you assume are private behind the words.

Is he happy, sad, angry, shy, pensive, worried, excited, adventurous? The text doesn't tell you, so you automatically add the emotions, or lack of emotions, to the text you received.

And, surprisingly, your imagination fills in the required emotions that were not sent in the message. Here are few examples of text that there are very dinky clues to what is behind the words:

What are you doing? Do you want to do something later?blah blah blah And you automatically fill in these emotionless words to something more pleasurable to handle. Sometimes not so accurately too.

Here are the rules for relationships and texting:
- text messaging are only allowed if it's an emergency
- text messaging cannot continue beyond receiving his message and you texting him back telling him exactly when to call you back. No matter what message he texted you, reply a few minutes later (you don't want to think you're just sitting colse to waiting for him to touch you, right?) and always say this: "Call me in 10 minutes (or another designated time) and make sure he sticks to that call and time.

- If he doesn't know what to do together "later on" you Must have a chosen thing to do. Example: he calls you after texting you. He says "Do you want to do something later?" and you should reply, always, with a plan "I want to go to the 7:20 movie and then have a dessert after the movie. Pick me up (or meet me at...) 6:30pm. See you then, by."

As a woman dating the usual guy that doesn't have a clue about how to treat women, then it's you have have to step up and make the choices when he can't or won't:

You pick what and where to go. If he "hems and haws" about anything, gives you a "whatever" or "some other time", just say "Oh, that's Ok, I can get one of my girlfriends to go with me" and end the conversation quickly. And go according to your plan.I want you to know this secret:

Guys are very brittle creatures with their emotions being something they don't understand, for the most part. They are very afraid of any type of rejection from a woman, especially any woman they have an interest in.

And here's another secret, one you can use any time, all the time.

Everyone is more scared than you are, all the time.

Everyone is afraid of rejection.

Unless you're some type of a "freak or geek" people need human companionship to survive. And that fear of rejection, of not being respected, not being admired by your peers. Everyone is more scared than you are.

So no matter how nervous you are, Everyone else is more nervous. Knowing this should give you much more trust and power in your daily life, especially when meeting new people. Stare past their facade and know that they are more scared than you are.

You'll be a winner from now on! And get what/who and where you want.

Back again to the topic at hand.

When you can end the hold of your texting habit and turn those messages from a guy into a follow-up call fro him, you will gain the upper hand in the budding connection and have better operate over the things you do, with him as a boyfriend, because you've been strong and laid down the ground rules for how to you will be treated, how he will sass to your requests.

I am sure that he doesn't ask you to go places. He might "hem and haw" or give you the old "well, what do you want to do?"

This is where you have to be prepared and have a plan ready. You sass "I want to go here for evening meal then go see this movie". You have a plan. You are a strong and decisive woman.

If you're just starting to hang out together, plenty of text have been exchanged But if you ask him if he'd like to do something then he's got to check with his friend(s), and see if you can join them, with all these emotions and textsall these texts flying colse to and you're last in the look. That sucks. You're fifth wheel or worse!

In this description I have been discussing how women can make men, grown men, determine to do what it is that you want to do, (keep sex out of dating because you need to understand each other before you take this step of production a baby!) and remember that I am the person saying that it's Ok for you to do this (I'm the guy that's on your side!).

Think about texting messages again:

It's Sms communication of common words that have different abbreviations so that you can make a long message short. Very favorable to get messages to the right people and fast responses. Teens and twenty-somethings live and die by text messages.

Well, maybe not die but literally live by the next message. That's good, that's what Twitter and texting is all about.

It is not about romance, daring, planning a life with that special someone.

Do you want to know why?

Because texting allows only a small 2 - 4%of the total communication emotional and logical content to come through and with that low of emotional content there is also a corresponding lowering of the "rejection fear" guys have with women.

Most guys have an insane fear of rejection by women.

This is why guys prefer texting to other forms of communication.

Email and text. It's safe, quick and you don't have to deal with the fact that you're putting the other person in a spot where they may disagree, make a face at you, and just walk away. Rejection at it's finest.

Texting does not allow such a close contact, thus no fear of rejection on his part.

While this may seem to be playing guys on a line... Trust me, every guy likes to be helpful and gain more approval just like a small puppy, but you need to to be the strong one. Guys, for the most part, want a girl to put them in their place, to challenge them, and, of course, love them.

You can do this, now you know the secret.

Put it to work, turn your life.

And for even more empowering data for today's dating woman I ask you to read the eBook "Catch Him & Keep Him - A woman's guide to seeing Mr. Right... And retention him hooked for good."

Honest data about dating men... And even more great tips on managing your life with or without men.

You Need to Stop Texting - Now!